
Friday, February 26, 2010

President's Day and Kindergarteners

February has been a busy month at school for the kids, especially Zach and Allie.

Of course there's all the Valentine's Day fun -- the class party, filling out Valentine's and then exchanging them. There's nothing quite like a 5-year-old's excitement as they pore over the box of Valentines and candy they've received from their classmates.

But, much more interestingly to me, has been their fascination with learning about the presidents during this President's Day month.

For starters, they learned a song in which they name all the presidents. They learned it in pieces and have been singing it at home for the past three weeks nearly every day.They now have it all done -- it's quite impressive.

The names in places kind of run together and in some parts of the song, to make it flow nicely, only the last name is used and in other parts first and last. So the other day Zach told me Clinton Bush and George Bush were father and son. He was initially a little confused when I explained that Clinton and Bush were two very different presidents, and that there are two George Bushes ... but I think he's got it now.

And Zach in particular is so inquisitive and interested in the presidents, asking questions and incorporating presidents into his everyday talk. Over the past few weeks:
  • He wants to look at all the coins and dollar bills and know who is on each one.
  • Print out pictures of his favorite presidents -- Washington, Lincoln and Zachary Taylor.
  • Zach has asked me who the president is who "looks like a vampire?" Hmm? I inquired further. "You know, the one who was shot while he was riding in his car without a top?" Oh! Zach thinks JFK looks like a vampire. Interesting ... I kind of see it, actually.
  • Zach has asked me if Grover Cleveland (who was President 22, he tells me) died and came back to life to be President 24. So funny how his mind works.
  • Got really excited when we read a Curious George book in which the little monkey went to Mt. Rushmore. "Mommy, it's THE PRESIDENTS," he screeched.
So cute!

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