
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sick kids and baby bunnies

Not too much going on here the past week ... other than strep throat continuing its run in our household.

Nicky was the first to have it a couple weeks ago. About a week later, it was Blake's turn. Then yesterday Zachy woke up with a blazing fever. He said his ears hurt. Poor little guy ... when I got him to the doctor in the afternoon, we found it he indeed has an ear infection -- and strep throat. His fever is a little less today, but he still just wants to cuddle with Mommy on the couch and watch movies.

In other goings-on:
  • I got to sneak away with some friends last Friday to a big scrapbooking convention. I love to scrapbook, but haven't found much time for it the past couple months. Every once in a while I meet some friends at the local scrapbook store to work on some projects. Sometimes I can sneak in some time at home. Anyway, it was a lot of fun and now I have even more projects and ideas to keep me busy.
  • We hired a gardener to spruce up our back yard a bit. We replaced the big shade tree outside the master bedroom window that came down during a big windstorm last fall. We also put in a larger tree in the corner pool area behind the slide. And some bouganvillea and another shrub/vine that I can't remember the name of, which will eventually cover the concrete wall and the interior pool view fence. The gardener stumbled upon a bunny nest. We knew there was one closeby. Several clues -- baby bunny droppings on the back patio, and, so sadly, a couple baby bunnies found in the pool. Anyway, when the kids and I peeked into the nest, sure enough, we saw at least three TINY bunnies -- about three inches long -- burrowing about. The kids were worried about coyotes or snakes finding them -- or stumbling into the pool. We ultimately left them where they were, deciding that Mommy Bunny (assuming she's still around somewhere) needs to know where her babies are.
  • Nicky had his first tryouts for club soccer last night. We're still on the fence about whether he's mature enough yet to handle more soccer responsibility but he says he wants to do it -- and wants to be goalie ... we'll see.
  • The weather is still beautiful, but April is flirting with the year's first 100-degree mark. We're in the upper 80s and low 90s this week and could reach close to 100 over the weekend, the forecasters say.

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