The kids are suffering from myriad post-Halloween symptoms: Allie's sad because there are no more "pink candies" in her bright orange plastic pumpkin bucket. The most frequent words from Zach's mouth are "just one more" -- as in just one more piece of candy -- and the first thing Nick does when he comes home from school is head toward his stash and laments the fact that the chocolates are in short supply (hey - don't look at me ;).
I remember enjoying Halloween as a kid, but my kids are tried and true Halloween fanatics.
Before setting out to trick or treat, they scarfed down their pizza -- a Halloween ritual around here -- then, between bouncing off walls, fixing and re-fixing the spider web junk outside, and putting up with mom and her picture-taking, repeatedly asked if they could start their candy-collecting venture.
"Not until it's dark," I told them.
As soon as the night sky signaled the first hint of gray, they asked again.
"Can we go now??"
"It's not dark yet guys," trying to keep the reins in place for just a few more minutes in my futile attempt to delay the inevitable madness.
I think the kids have more patience on Christmas morning waiting to tear open the gifts until everyone wakes than they do waiting for darkness to set to begin the Halloween quest for candy.
Some other Halloween highlights:
- The week had been unseasonably warm. So, being Phoenix, that's a double whammy. It had been in the 90s all week. I don't know if I'll ever get used to taking the kids trick-or-treating wearing shorts and flip-flops.
- Another Arizona thing -- because the weather is so nice, many candy-givers enjoy the evening by sitting out on the front porch or in the driveway. Kids don't even have to knock on the door.
- Our street and the next street over really get into the spirit with the decorations. Big time. Throughout the month, we've taken many walks past the festive houses and whenever we drive to/from home, it's always understood that I'll slow down so Zach and Allie can admire the neighborhood decor.
- On Halloween night a couple of the neighborhood houses have drapery-style entrances with who-knows-what awaiting you inside. With screams and scary Halloween music in the air, Zach decided to brave that one, but Allie stayed on the street with Dad, firmly clutching his hand.
- Quite a few female trick-or-treaters -- about 11 or 12 years old -- asking me, "Does Blake live here?" Hmmm ...
- Zach getting so upset to take down the Halloween decorations. We did hold out an extra day so he could enjoy them just a little bit longer. But I'm so glad to get rid of that spider web stuff. Yuck!
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